Multiple Dependent Schema Support
Multiple schema interactions with dependency resolution for both upgrade and downgrade

Runtime Substitutions
Runtime substitution of values such as tablespace names or data types, script generations.

Version tracking of schema changes

Clean path for upgrading and downgrading the databse

Multiline SQL support
Multiline script support for doing things like pl/sql.

Final SQL Script Generation
The ability to generate SQL scripts instead of actually executing the sql directly. The scripts are generated in sequential order to ease of use and include labeling of the schema for multiple database interdependencies.

Built-in Audit Tracking
Detailed auditing of schema information including when it was modified, who modified it, and the ip it was modified from.

Production Mode Support
Activation of production mode allows for only upgrades to take place and not allowing accidental destruction of schema and data which might be caused by a downgrade.

Clean Migration Indicator
Clean migration indicators to allow understanding of which delta migrations failed and whether or not to prevent further migrations until human intervention has taken place in case of bad migration scripts.

Packaging Support
Allows you to deliver migration source scripts in archived form of either .zip or .jar format. This archive must contain a migrations.xml at the base of the archive and directories representative of the schemas just like a normal directory layout. Thus making it easy to deliver migration scripts to other groups with fewer complications.

Simple API usable for testing frameworks to do cleaner integration testing.
Migrations also sports an API designed for use within testing frameworks like JUnit. It allows integration testing to take place effectively and easily against a clean and well setup database similar to dbunit but with the actual schema scripts thus not having problems with test/release schemas getting out of sync. In addition, it does not require that the schema already have the basic DDL defined and thus can allow for things like Cruise Control or Continuum to use a single database schema to handle multiple different projects each with their own schema definitions.