
usage: ./ [/path/to/migration.xml]

Basic Demonstration with HSQLDB

To quickly get started with the bundled sample migration you must first download the driver from here

To run the application simply type

The following needs only be done once.
  • A graphical interface will showup.
  • Right-click the migrations icon in the system tray and choose Driver Registry.
  • Click Register New Driver and select the jar file that you just downloaded.
Now to actually do a very simple migration.
  • Click Migration Config and browse to the basic-migrations/migrations.xml file.
  • Choose the rolodex schema to be migrated.
  • Execute Migration and you will see a window pop up showing you what is happening and progress.

Advanced Demonstration with HSQLDB

To quickly get started with the bundled sample migration you must first startup an hsqldb instance (you must provide the hsqldb jdbc driver). You can download the driver from here

Next we need to start up a database so we can have a place to run scripts against and such.

java -cp hsqldb- org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:testdb - dbname.0 test

To run the application simply type

  • A graphical interface will showup.
  • Right-click the migrations icon in the system tray and choose Driver Registry.
  • Click Register New Driver and select the jar file that you just downloaded.
All jdbc drivers located within that jar file will automatically be registered with the system now. If you remove the jar file, the driver registery will display the entry in red to indicate that it not valid.
  • Click Migration Config and browse to the advanced-migrations/migrations.xml file.
  • Choose a schema to be migrated like blog.
  • Specify a version to migrate to. Leaving the version blank will migrate it to the latest definition.
  • In Templating fill out the datetime value with something like DATE.
  • Execute Migration and you will see a window pop up showing you what is happening and progress.