Provides detailed auditing of schema information including when it was modified, who modified it, and the ip it was modified from. The audit information is stored in the database as well in a table called migration_info_audit.
An example of what is contained in the audit information can
SCHEMA_ID | MODIFIED_DT | VERSION | DIRECTION | DB_USER | SYS_USER | IP_ADDRESS | CLEAN_IND | NOTE -----------+---------------------+---------+-----------+---------+----------+------------+-----------+------ core | 2009-07-26 12:06:43 | 0 | up | sa | sepatel | | 1 | core | 2009-07-26 12:06:44 | 1 | up | sa | sepatel | | 1 | core | 2009-07-26 12:06:44 | 2 | up | sa | sepatel | | 1 | blog | 2009-07-26 12:06:44 | 1 | up | sa | sepatel | | 1 | forum | 2009-07-26 12:06:44 | 1 | up | sa | sepatel | | 1 | forum | 2009-07-26 12:09:26 | 1 | down | sa | sepatel | | 0 | Unable to execute sql to script: drop table topic | | | | | | | | Caused by: Table not found: TOPIC in statement [drop table topic]